The most important event at Smofcon each year is the fannish Q&A, where seated conventions and groups bidding for Worldcon, NASFiC, or Smofcon make presentations about conventions they would like to run. We will be hosting this panel at 2:30 PM Pacific time (10:30 PM in the UK, 11:30 PM CET) on Saturday, December 7, 8:30 AM Sunday in Australia Eastern time).
These are questions that have been traditionally asked at previous Q&A sessions. There are a lot of questions here, so do not wait until the week before to go through this. You may answer “N/A” on any questions that don’t apply to your event. You may resubmit and update this form if you wish (online editing will be available in November). The committee will not be vetting your answers; the members are looking for accurate and useful information. You don’t need to answer questions with essays; anything important should be found on your website in as much detail as you want.
An editing feature will be available in a couple of days, so you’ll be able to add or update your submission. For the moment, if you want to submit an updated form, you may simply submit this form again and we’ll present the newest version. These forms will be public on the website in the next few days.