Master Schedule

The convention activity schedule for Smofcon 41.

(Note: Items listed with “Roundtable discussion” have no scheduled panelists; these are just open to everyone who wishes to discuss the topic. Some people are not scheduled on some items due to conflicts with other items, or just that they haven’t submitted the questionnaire yet. We will be adding names to program items throughout the week.)
Fri 6 Dec 10:00 AM Cascade 7
Seattle 2025 Division Head Meeting
Seattle 2025 Division Head Meeting. (Not an open meeting.)
Kathy Bond (mod)
Fri 6 Dec 11:15 AM Cascade 9/10
Is Your Con Considering Digital Accessibility
Most cons are used to thinking about the physical accessibility of the hotels and convention centers they inhabit, but how many are really thinking about digital accessibility? Can your members who use assistive technology read your website, newsletters, and other digital materials? Learn the basics of digital accessibility and what your Publications department should be keeping in mind as they produce your digital material.
Michael Hanscom (mod)
Fri 6 Dec 13:00 PM Cascade 9/10
Budgeting Workshop from A-Z
Bruce Farr presents a primer on how a Worldcon (or other convention) budget is put together, what information is needed from committee, vendors, and other stakeholders, how the information is reported (and to whom). This is a must for all high-level Worldcon concom.
Bruce Farr (mod), Judy Bemis, Joni Dashoff, Alexia Hebel, Eric Weber
Fri 6 Dec 15:30 PM Cascade 9/10
Social Media Crisis Management
How to get out from under the mob when the internet blows up, and some examples of what to do and what to avoid.
Marah Searle-Kovacevic (mod), Jim Wright, Vincent Docherty, Karen Anderson
Fri 6 Dec 20:00 PM Cascade 9/10
Icebreaker: Human Bingo!
Find people who match the questions on the sheet. Whoever is the first to fill the card wins. If no one fills the card, then whoever gets the most signatures wins. Each person can only sign up to two spaces on each card.
Marah Searle-Kovacevic (mod)
Fri 6 Dec 22:00 PM Cascade 9/10
Lost in the Noise? Con Communications in the Very Online Era
Convention comms, both pre-con and at-con, are changing rapidly. While radios are still used at con, this tends to be for more specific teams. More and more people are turning to text messaging (WhatsApp, Discord, Slack etc.), direct phonecalls and the newest thing that someone found last week. What considerations should be put into choosing tools for your staff to communicate, and for your members to communicate with your staff? How do you regulate information overload and is it a problem if teams just start doing their own thing?
Roundtable discussion
Fri 6 Dec 22:00 PM Cascade 7
Pricing and Marketing Global Events
Who are we marketing to? What are we offering? Why do people show up? The realities of fractional demand (hotels, travel, registration). Planning around revenue changes.
Alex von Thorn
Sat 7 Dec 09:45 AM Cascade 9/10
Welcoming New Volunteers
More than just a spreadsheet! How to proactively and effectively make use of people who sign up.
Marah Searle-Kovacevic (mod), Karen Anderson
Sat 7 Dec 09:45 AM Cascade 7
Do "Members" Have a Real Say in Decisions?
Is a convention an organization? Do leaders have any accountability to "members?" Models of responsive governance.
Lisa Hertel (mod), Brian Nisbet
Sat 7 Dec 11:00 AM Cascade 9/10
Who Pays for Virtual Conventions?
How much does it cost, in money and people, to have program items accessible to remote members and participants? How many people are served by this? What obligation exists to people who aren't attending?
Roundtable discussion
Sat 7 Dec 11:00 AM Cascade 7
Tech Rehearsals: Not Just For Masquerades
Online conventions mean keeping panelists up to date with the latest software features. Presentations need the presenter's laptop, the projector, and the sound system to all work together. And some people still haven't learned to use the microphone when talking. How do you make space to make sure the tech all works and people know how to use it?
Petrea Mitchell (mod), Lisa Hertel
Sat 7 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 9/10
Repairing Our Hugos' Reputation
The Hugo issues from the Chengdu Worldcon made worldwide news, and not in a good way. The Hugos' reputation is not good right now. Beyond various fixes in the WSFS Constitution, what can be done to reassure Hugo nominators, potential nominees, the press, and the public that the process is robust and fair.
Brian Nisbet (mod), Vincent Docherty
Sat 7 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 7
How to Win a Contested Vote
What matters and what doesn't when bidding for a Worldcon or other con in a contested vote. Examples from past bids.
Alex von Thorn (mod), Marah Searle-Kovacevic
Sat 7 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 8
How Hotels Have Changed
How are facilities costs affecting convention budgets now? Are room blocks still good for function room discounts? Let us know how your contracts have changed and what solutions you've found.
Roundtable discussion
Sat 7 Dec 14:30 PM Cascade 9/10
Fannish Q&A
Smofcon's main event: Seated Worldcons and bids, NASFiC bids (if any), and future Smofcon bids make presentations and answer questions about their events and plans.
Vincent Docherty (mod), TR
Sat 7 Dec 14:30 PM Cascade 7
Furries and Gamers and Anime, Oh My!
How literary fandom can market to and help SF&F adjacent events and organizations, and how they might help us.
Roundtable discussion
Sat 7 Dec 15:45 PM Cascade 7
Keep Them Coming Back: Building the Volunteer Team
Creating a positive experience for volunteers. Resolving personality conflicts that drive people away.
Scott Zrubek (mod)
Sat 7 Dec 17:00 PM Cascade 9/10
Don’t Repeat Our Mistakes: Remembering Our Past
The importance of institutional memory. Tools and best practices for apprenticeship, post-con reports, internal websites, etc.
Brian Nisbet (mod), Scott Zrubek, Sharon Sbarsky
Sat 7 Dec 17:00 PM Cascade 7
Distributed Programming
Conventions have sometimes assigned a function room to an interest group that runs programming for that room for the whole con -- does this save time and labor, or cause confustion? Creation Station is a local example. For a large-scale example, all of DragonCon in Atlanta seems to run this way.
Roundtable discussion
Sat 7 Dec 20:00 PM Cascade 9/10
Front Lines in the Internet Wars
Jim Wright Q&A about a decade of the culture wars, and how he became a leading voice for truth and against misinformation online.
Jim Wright (mod)
Sun 8 Dec 09:45 AM Cascade 9/10
Program planning software discussion
Let's get together the folks who have written some of the program planning software like Zambia and Planorama and discuss what features are wanted but missing, which features are not as expected, and which are not needed at all.
Anna Bradley (mod), Scott Zrubek
Sun 8 Dec 09:45 AM Cascade 7
Effective Committee Meetings
Brian Nisbet (mod), Sharon Sbarsky, Petrea Mitchell
Sun 8 Dec 09:45 AM Presidential Suite
The Pen Was Mightier Than the Puppies
Jim Wright talks about his involvement in the 2015 Worldcon in Spokane. Note: This item starts at 9:00 AM in the con suite (Presidential Suite).
Jim Wright (mod)
Sun 8 Dec 11:00 AM Cascade 9/10
Internet Time! Social Media and Decision-Making
The importance of responding to controversies quickly and intelligently. Keeping accountable leaders in the loop in time to make a difference.
Marah Searle-Kovacevic (mod), Karen Anderson
Sun 8 Dec 11:00 AM Cascade 7
FTL: Fannish as a Third Language
Scott Zrubek (mod), Michelle Morrell
Sun 8 Dec 11:00 AM Cascade 8
Planning Tools and Methods
Project plans and Gantt charts vs timelines. Planning for this year's needs, not last year's con.
Roundtable discussion
Sun 8 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 9/10
Seattle 2025 Open Staff Meeting
Seattle 2025 Worldcon meeting. All are welcome; some may be recruited.
Kathy Bond (mod)
Sun 8 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 7
Gluing it all together
Single-area software solutions are proliferating-- for maps, building programs, displaying schedules, and more. What does it take to get everything on the same page? Is a comprehensive convention platform possible? Is it even desirable?
Anna Bradley (mod), Brian Nisbet
Sun 8 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 8
Budget and Logistics Planning for Convention Departments
List the tasks and equpment, figure out what needs to be borrowed or bought, plan move in and move out for all the things.
Vincent Docherty (mod), Lisa Hertel
Sun 8 Dec 13:15 PM Cascade 8
Transparency vs Control: Getting Information to People Who Need It
Building a whole-of-committee communication culture. Including different levels of experience in decisions. Avoiding silos and fiefs in concoms.
Roundtable discussion
Sun 8 Dec 14:30 PM Cascade 9/10
Options for Writing Critiques—from quick to in-depth
Con-runners whose programs offer critique sessions and workshops present the range of options they've found successful, and why.
Karen Anderson (mod)
Sun 8 Dec 14:30 PM Cascade 7
Bylaws for Success, or for Failure
How to set up bylaws to avoid and resolve organizational issues. How to keep people on track and replace people who cause problems.
Alex von Thorn (mod), Kevin Black
Sun 8 Dec 14:30 PM Cascade 8
Exhibit Hall tradeoffs
Discuss how to set up and populate an Exhibit Hall, with Art Show, Dealers, and fixed exhibits.
Lisa Hertel (mod), Scott Zrubek
Sun 8 Dec 15:45 PM Cascade 9/10
Convention Conflicts
There are multiple conventions in your area. How do you avoid conflicting/overlapping dates/events. Should the groups running these events have a summit? Has anyone ever tried.
Sharon Sbarsky (mod)
Sun 8 Dec 15:45 PM Cascade 7
Annual General meeting of SWOC, the sponsoring organization of Smofcon 41. Election of officers and discussion of future plans of SWOC. To be followed by a convention feedback session.
Angela Jones (mod)